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Start Again

Today's prompt for the challenge was Start Again. I must have had something in mind when I chose it, but today as I sit here I'm trying to think of what I want to write. And as I got to thinking, I realized that this phrase can really be applied to so many areas of my life currently. 

I suppose, after being laid off, I am starting again right now with my career. At least I have the opportunity to. The easy course of action would be to go right back into another Executive Assistant role, but the more challenging and possibly rewarding choice would be to "start again" with a different career path. 

I've also "started again" with regards to this blog. I've been blogging here since 2013, which is wild! But I've been reading blogs all the way back to 2008. I remember talking about them back then, and almost always being met with "what is a blog?" Although now the world seems to have shifted to "influencers" I still love the world of blogging. I love journaling and sharing life with people to form connections. I think it's so amazing you can connect with people around the world just by sharing stories and having similar paths that others can relate to. I've really enjoyed this challenge and how it has made me focus on blogging regularly, and writing again. I have so many ideas and this is helping me practice consistency, which is where I have struggled in the past. I am hoping with this practice, to do a re-launch of the blog and hopefully gain some more followers and build a community here. 

Another thought I had was the desire to "start again" some days in motherhood. Today was a particularly rough day. Jack was home with a little cough and runny nose, and so I decided to just keep Charlie home as well to not bring him back and forth. I regretted that decision immediately. I was trying to still get things accomplished, but Jack didn't feel well and Charlie was a full ball of energy who felt totally fine. The three of us clashed from the start. It was really hard. We finally got outside for a walk when I knew the grocery store and other errands weren't in the cards. And although stroller walks are few and far between now, they actually sat with a snack in the stroller for 45min. Usually we chat a lot and they're "needy" on walks, but I was even able to listen to my book. I told them Mom was "unavailable" and to chat with each other, which for the most part worked. I felt so much better when we got home and the rest of the day went well. But I really wished I could have just hit a "start again" button when we first got off track. 

The last place that this applies, is my need and desire to start again with my health and fitness. In the past year, I've really let my fitness levels go and also been careless with diet. I can not only tell the physical consequences of this in my size and appearance, but also in ways that are a bit of a wake up call. My face is puffy, I am always tired, the way I am carrying my weight all in my middle, and just overall health when thinking about longevity. My mindset going forward is to prioritize a little bit at a time that feels sustainable. And remembering that the focus is my health and longevity. Especially as I enter my 40's next year. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts that talk about brain health as well, and how it is tied to gut health so closely. With memory and aging it makes me nervous and really want to focus on health, even if it's mostly for the lifestyle I want to live 20+ years from now. 

I'm not sure if this was originally what I was thinking when I wrote out the promps last month, but it was fun to think about different ways that this phrase applies to my life right now. And as I discussed back on day 6 of this challenge with my favorite quote, as we go thought life, we can always start again. 

 "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

See you back here tomorrow for Day 22! 


A DIY I Want To Try

Today's prompt is to share a DIY I want to try. I've always loved DIY projects, but as I got older I somehow stopped finding the time for them. (You can see a few of my past DIY projects here). But recently I've had a bit of extra time, and I've managed to do a few simple things that brought me joy. As seen here and here on Instagram

There are some larger projects that I would love to accomplish in our home to make a big impact but without a big investment. Our bathrooms are pretty outdated, but it's not somewhere I want to spend a lot of money. Plus, they have good bones and we have three little boys who are hard on our house. So it doesn't make sense to invest a lot right now. But I love home decor and spaces that make me feel good, so I want to do what I can to upgrade the bathroom on a budget. 

I've also always been interested in flips and home renovation and learning to do some of these things on my own. But I'm so intimidated because I don't know how to do anything and i don't really have anyone who can teach me. But I thought, form what I can learn online I can probably do some pretty simple tasks to get started.

So, that leads me to redoing the boys bathroom. I'd like to add shiplap halfway up the walls, wallpaper to the top, paint the cabinets, peel and stick tiles over the linoleum, add a simple frame around the builder grade mirror, a new light fixture, new shower curtain, hardware, art, and a rug. I think I can do it on a budget, especially with adding the shiplap myself, wallpaper installation and painting myself. It will be a long process doing it on my own, but I think it will be so rewarding and I'll learn a lot. I'm probably a little insane, but then I can get started on the primary bath next if it all goes well. That one has less to do since at least the floors are already new. 

Here is a look at the bathroom how it is now. This was from the day we moved in, so I did add a little art and a rug but nothing else has changed. Although everything is original, the color of the tile doesn't offend me and the solid wood cabinets will look so nice with a fresh coat of paint. Adding the new details will make a big impact I think. 

What do you think of my mood board for the bathroom update? Any other ideas? I love Chris Loves Julia's line of peel and stick tiles with the checker board marble pattern, so I plan to do that. Let me know what you think! 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 21! 



photo is from Busy Toddler here

Today's prompt is Wanderlust

Travel has always been top priority to me, I feel alive seeing new places! I love seeing new parts of the world, or even more local places that are new to me. I'm always feeling inspired while I travel. I've been lucky to do so many trips and see quite a few places. I've gone to Italy three times, spent time in France, Mexico, Hawaii and throughout the US. Living in California I've been able to explore so many amazing places within the state. And especially growing up I was able to see so many beautiful mountain landscapes camping with family. 

Since having kids, and of course with Covid, we really slowed down our travels. While we maintained so many local traditions like frequent Tahoe trips, San Diego to see family, and our annual Tuolumne Meadows trip, we haven't done any major traveling together or as a family since early 2020 when we went to Hawaii and Utah with Graham before the world shut down. 

Now that the twins are getting a bit older, I am getting that itch to travel as a family. I think traveling as a child helped shaped me, and I want that for my kids too. I think it will help them learn about other cultures, ways of living, and just general manners and ability to be patient and other life skills that come with traveling. So for today, I thought I'd share my top 5 places I'd like to travel as a family. My Wanderlust list is long so this felt like a manageable way to break it down for today. 

Switzerland - this has always seemed like such an idylic place. I was here briefly with my parents on a road trip from Rome up to Geneva and loved it. Then my parents just got home from several weeks in Switzerland and Northern Italy, and it reminded me how much I'd like to go here. While I'm sure Andrew would prefer to go in the winter, I'd love to go in warmer months for hiking and visiting lakes and quaint villages. One blogger I followed ages ago went with her young children and I'll never forget when she returned how she spoke of it. I think she has since deleted her blog, but I have this saved from her trip. It just sounds like they cater to young families with children so well. I think it would be a great international trip when the kids are still young. 

London - this one feels like a manageable and fun trip with kids, perhaps when they're a bit older. They already loved hearing about the double decker busses when my parents returned. And not having a language barrier feels like it might help traveling with kids. But also with London and the weather I think ti would be a lot of time spent with museums and such, so perhaps when they're a bit older. 

Italy - I can't get enough Italy. I just love it so much. We haven't spent time in Northern Italy yet, so I'd love to do that. But I also want to revisit our favorite places. It seems like a great place to go when they're young because, since we've seen all the main attractions, we can focus on making this trip more about the kids and what they would love. Ideally, I would love to spend at least a month traveling Europe with the kids someday, but a week or two for now would work too! 

Quebec City - I've always loved how European it feels, and it's so charming. I'd love to go at Christmas time, which I am sure Andrew would love as well so he can spending some time snowboarding. I think the kids would love it, and it feels manageable to travel there with them, not quite Europe, but you get a similar feel. 

Maine/New England - This is a bucket list for me. I think I'd need to go several times to experience everything I want. And every season! But this would be a great family trip as well. I think in the fall to see the leaves, and the boys love Halloween and fall season, so perhaps we could coordinate the two to make it fun for them. But the summer months also seem so charming and quaint, I'm sure you couldn't go wrong with either. That's what I mean, I need to go more than once to experience it all!

As I was writing I thought of so many other places, but this is a good list! There is just so much beauty to see. I definitely want to share the world and experience traveling with my kids.

See you back here tomorrow for Day 20!


Before The Year Ends...

Today's prompt is what do you want to achieve before the year ends. I love this one and have been giving it a lot of thought since I have so much more time now that I'm not working. I also listened to this podcast episode from Mel Robbins back in September that I loved. I actually listened to it twice because I found it inspiring. It's called How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months) and talks about how September is great time to start building new habits, and create resolutions similar to how we do at the start of a new year. It talks about the research that shows how the fall with back to school can actually be a better time to make these changes, and that we typically have more success sticking to them long term. Versus when we do it in January.

I can't believe already a month has passed since I was laid off. When I first starting thinking about these prompts, it seemed like I had so much time. And now here we are, halfway through October and only a little over two months left in the year. There is much I'd like to accomplish, but I want to set realistic expectations for myself as well. While it is so nice to have extra time, I do find it is hard not to put a lot of pressure on myself to do all the things, and instead I'd like to think about my goals for wrapping up 2024 in a realistic way.

Home - I want to spend this time to finish decorating our home so it feels like I reflection of us. I actually have a lot of things already, so I won't need to buy much. A few things left to hang in the boys rooms, I still need to finish the final touches in my office, new prints for the gallery walls, and another gallery wall for family photos I want to hang. All the frames have been collecting dust in the office closet. I'd also like to make the toys downstairs a little tidier, perhaps get rid of the train table since they don't use it as much. And move some of the trucks and toys up to their bedrooms.  

De-Clutter - This goes with the previous goal, but I want to significantly declutter the house. I've already been working on it, but there is more to do. We have so much stuff it's ridiculous. So much we don't need or use that just makes our house feel messy and overwhelming. I'd like to get things pared way down so that we only have what we use, and everything has a place. 

Family Time - I want to prioritize family time. It's a busy season, but I want to make the most of it. When I was working, I always felt pressure to do chores and errands during evenings and weekends. Now that I am able to do that during the day, I want to focus on quality time together in the evenings and on weekends. I'd also like to implement a no phones rule from 4-7pm at our house, I'm still working on convincing Andrew for that one. But I think it's so important and would make a big impact. I saw something once that said something along the lines of: how many times as a child did you try to get your parents attention or look up for their approval only to find them looking at a screen. Zero. And how many times has that happened for your kids? Eye opening!

Fun Mom - I'd like to say yes more! Do more fun things, play more, projects and crafts and go for a treat. It's a bit easier this time of year with so many fun traditions scheduled, but I'd like to say yes as often as I can! 

Prioritize Health and Good Habits - I really need to prioritize my health. I have totally fallen off the wagon with exercise and healthy eating. It's really snuck up on me with my weight, clothes not fitting, being tired, etc. I know that I need to prioritize being healthy and fit for longevity. And also because it's so important to show the kids that it's important to take care of ourselves. I want them to learn good habits from me, and see me taking care of myself for them so I can live a long life! I have time now to build good habits and fit in time to exercise, meal prep, and make smart choices. I have no excuse, so I want to create the foundation and habits now so I can maintain it once I am working again. 

A Plan for My Dreams - I want to make a plan for continuing with my blog and social media that can hopefully be monetized. If I'm able to work on this as a "side hustle" now, and when I am back to work. Then eventually I'd love to make it into something I can do full time. I need a business plan of sorts, start using Like To Know It and make monetizing a priority. It feels a little crazy to say that out loud, but I think there is a reason I keep being pulled to doing this. It's something I truly enjoy and get fulfillment out of, so I'd like to figure out a way to turn it into my career. 

Is there anything you hope to accomplish in the next few months before the year ends? I highly recommend listening to that Mel Robbins podcast if it's something that seems interesting to you. 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 19! 


Most Important Lessons For My Children

Today's prompt is a loaded one! What are the most important lessons I want to teach my children? There are so many things I hope to instill in the boys that will stay with them as they grow older. Of course the obvious ones, but some others that I think are so important as well. 

Funny thing about parenthood, all the warnings and advice you hear in the beginning are usually about lack of sleep, feeding them, how everything changes. But, as the boys get older, I'm finding parenting so much harder in many ways. At least in the beginning I knew things would be okay as long as they slept, ate and felt loved. Now, it's more emotionally taxing, when they feel hurt, I can actually feel it too. You want so much to protect them, but also need to teach them how be independent and grow into the people they're supposed to be. It's a lot! There are definitely a few things that are so important to us with raising our boys, that we try to keep at the forefront. We try to model these things ourselves as much as possible for them to see and learn. 

Kindness - It's important to me that the boys grow up to be kind. Treating people with respect and warmth, being friendly. 

Empathy - Having the ability to understand how people are feeling, and share in those feelings to help strengthen relationships and understand what people are going through or why they may be feeling or acting a certain way.

Be true to who you are - always be you. This is something that I've struggled with and I hope that they feel safe to be who they truly are from a young age. Follow their heart and their own intuition about who they want to be and what they want to do in life.

It's never too late - It's never too late to chase your dreams or pursue the things that will make you happy! 

Travel - I hope they take time to travel and see the world. To see how different people live and different cultures. It will give them such a broader perspective on life and perhaps lead them to something wonderful they wouldn't have otherwise found. 

Family / Traditions - Always remember how important family and traditions are. Even as they grow up I hope they prioritize family bonds with each other, their parents as well as our extended family. I hope they learn that at the end of the day, family is what matters most.

Responsibility - To be able to take care of themselves, be responsible members of society. 

Coping with setbacks - I hope they learn coping skills for the times when life is hard, because it will be. To know that sometimes the hardest things we go through lead us to something even better. That there is always light after periods of darkness or heartache. 

Seeing the benefit of failure - This one goes into the last one, but I hope they can see even if there are setbacks and failures along the way, there is always a lesson to be learned. And without those failures we can't appreciate the success.  

Manners - This one is hard, I'm really working at it already and it's a challenge. But I hope they grow to be very polite and have good manners. Eating at nice restaurants, holding doors, being kind to strangers and service people. 

Positivity - I think it is so important to have a positive outlook on life. To see the good in every situation, and when times are difficult to try and see silver linings. 

Take care of your body - We only have our one body, so it's important to treat it well. 

Live in the moment - Try to enjoy each stage of life! I sometimes am too busy looking forward, worrying about the future. I was always in a rush to grow up. I hope they're able to enjoy each stage and slow down a bit. 

Is there anything important I forgot? What are some of the things you hope to instill in your children?

See you back here tomorrow for Day 18! Thank you so much for following along. 


Current Inspiration

Today's prompt was to share what is currently inspiring me. I feel like I'm always getting inspiration from the things around me. From interior design, fashion and style, motherhood, travel, you name it. I thought that for today's post it might be fun to do a visual compilation of things that are currently inspiring me. 

I went to my Pinterest and looked at all my recent pins. I could browse Pinterest for hours, and always find new ideas and ways to look at things when I do. I'm such a visual person. I love going into shops, restaurants and hotels and seeing how the spaces are designed. In another life, I would have gone to school for interior design! 

Today, I'll be inspired by wine country! A perk of living where we do, we're only a couple hours from one of the worlds most famous wine regions. My Mom, sister and I are heading for an overnight in Healdsburg and to do a little wine tasting. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll return feeling so inspired! Follow along on Instagram if you'd like to see what we're up to! 

Otherwise, see you back here tomorrow for Day 17!


In The Kitchen - Recent Favorite Recipes

Today's prompt was In The Kitchen, sharing some favorite recipes. So I thought it was a perfect time to share about the challenge I did a couple weeks ago to cook our meals from a new cookbook! I shared a reel about it last week. 

One of my goals since I was laid off is to spend more time meal planning. I was introduced to Caroline Chambers a while back from one of my other favorite food bloggers, Dan Pelosi. It was an instant girl crush! She is just so lovely, stylish and we're in similar life stages with 3 little boys at home! 

So I decided to base our meal plan for one week on recipes from her new cookbook What to Cook When You Don't Feel Like Cooking. Not only did we have delicious meals, it made cooking so fun! Each recipe was such a hit. I could eat her dilly chopped salad every single day. It reminded me of my favorite chopped salad from Perry's in San Francisco. The meatballs might have been my favorite dinner, but it's a toss up. I really loved everything. The boys especially liked the sliders with chips, they couldn't believe there were chips ON the burger. It was fun to have them help in the kitchen and be interested in the new meals we were making. 

The five recipes I made are below, I don't want to share the full recipe since I'd rather people buy her book and support her. But she has tons of recipes on her blog and social media too. 

Peanutty Pork & Brussels

This was the first dish I made. I actually hadn't cooked from the book yet, but my sister was over and flipped through it and saved a few recipes. After she made this and shared how good it was, I knew I had to try it too. It was so easy to throw together on a weeknight. The kids ate it, but weren't huge fans. Andrew and I on the other hand loved it. I also used the leftovers for breakfast the next day with a fried egg on top and it was delicious! 

Saucy Sesame Beef Noodles

This one was a hit for the whole family! I served ours with broccoli on the side for extra veggies, and crushed some peanuts on top for a little crunch. I omitted the hot sauce for the kids when making the dish, and Andrew and I just added it on top when we plated ours. I think next time I made this, I may grill the steak first for a bit more flavor instead of all in one pan. Although it does come together so easily the way she has it written. 

Coconut Curry Chicken Meatballs & Veggies

I think this was my favorite dish! The meatballs were delish but she also suggests a swap for busy evenings to use frozen Italian meatballs instead. So I may try that next time to make things simple. I added mushrooms and kale to ours for more veggies and we also had green beans and our favorite coconut lime rice on the side. The kids loved the meatballs!

Crunchy Sheet Pan Sliders

No surprisingly, this was the biggest hit with the kids. They loved the sliders, especially that I served chips with dinner. Caroline has two other recipes using Hawaiian rolls like this in the cookbook, so I'm excited to try those too. It's an easy, kid approved meal for sure! I was surprised how much I liked this dinner too, the chips really do add a lot. And I knew my Grandpa Charlie would be proud. He taught me as a girl to add chips to my sandwiches and I've never looked back. 

Dilly Chop Salad with Salt & Vinegar Chippies

My new favorite salad! It was so so good! I loved the dill and salt and vinegar chips. I modified it a little by omitting the mayo from the dressing and adding garbanzo beans for more protein. It was so delicious, I had it for lunch every day of the week! It reminded me of my favorite chopped salad from our brunch spot in San Francisco, Perry's. But even better! 

I highly recommend you get this cookbook for yourself, or it would make a great gift. The recipes are all fairly simple and easy to make, but pack in a ton of flavor. They're also easily modified and she provides tips on how to swap things to make it even faster. 

I loved planning our meals for the week out of just one cookbook and I might try it again soon! Stay tuned!  

Thank you so much for reading, see you back here tomorrow for Day 16 of the challenge! 


If Fall Was A Person...

Today's prompt was to describe fall as if is was a person. I saw this when I was coming up with the list of prompts, and as my favorite season it felt like something fun to write about. Something a bit more creative and outside the norm of what I usually write. Then I saw a similar post on Instagram that I loved, it had a similar theme, describing the month of October as a friend. My first thought was exactly how I would want someone to describe me. I wanted to capture that same essence in today's post. So here is my attempt to capture fall, if it were a person. 

As soon as you arrive, it feels like home. You walk in the door greeted with a warm hug and a bright smile. There is a faint smell of cinnamon spice, perhaps she baked a pie? You follow her soft strawberry blond waves towards the kitchen, and wonder how does she look so adorable in an apron? As you enter the kitchen, you find a lovely plate of freshly baked scones the counter. Pumpkin with chai glaze, she says. She offers you a warm cup of tea, and as she prepares the drinks asks how you have been. She always makes you feel seen, safe and understood. How lovely to have a friend that makes you feel so at ease and free to be yourself. You sit by the fire, enjoying scones and warm tea while catching up with each other. Discussing your recent favorite books, and which should you nominate for the next book club read? And where should we meet next month? You marvel how it's already almost time for her seasonal dinner party. A tradition everyone loves. She always makes everything so festive, with a sense of nostalgia that makes her gatherings so special. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier. As the afternoon passes as it's time to go, she'll walk you to the door and be sure you know that you're welcome anytime! And you'll feel so grateful as you go, because how lovely it is to have a friend like fall, who makes you feel like home. 

I hope I captured the essence of how fall makes me feel. And hopefully it was fun for you to read. See you tomorrow for Day 15!


Looking Back On An Old Post...

Today's prompt was looking back on an old favorite post, and writing a follow up. I thought this was a fun idea. I've written so many posts over the years. I started this blog in 2013! Crazy to think it's been 11 years. Consistency has not been my strength, but there are still hundreds of posts I could have chosen from. 

This specific post came to mind right away when I started thinking of what to write for this prompt. I interviewed my Mom for a post in honor of her birthday. I've written so many that I am proud of, but I've thought of this one often. I think that because now I am in such a different stage of life. I wrote this 10 years ago!! Wild how much life has happened since then. And now, as a mother myself, nearing 40, I can relate to what she talks about in the interview and see it with new eyes. 

I'd love to ask these same questions again, and see if her answers have changed. She now has 5 grandsons and has traveled so much more, I wonder if a new vacation tops her list? In hindsight, I should have planned better to just re-interview her for today's post. But, for today I think I'll reflect on how I felt when re-reading her answers.  

My first thought from reading this, was what a wonderful life. Truly, my Mom has had so many wonderful experiences. People call her "everybody's sweetheart" because she's just so lovely. I had an idyllic childhood, and my Mom (and Dad) were always there for us and providing amazing opportunities and experiences. 

The part of this interview that I reflect on quite often over the years (even before writing this) is question number 8, "What were the best years of your life." My Mom's answer was
30's - having kids. (She would say 30's and 40's if she could pick two). Because you realize once it's over, it's over. There is so much going on when the kids are young.

Since I became a Mom myself, this has frequently popped into my head. But I've thought about this a lot since being laid off. Like I need to really soak in the now, while I'm IN it. It seems like in all areas of my life, I'm realizing how burnt out I was, and that this time is a gift to figure things out. 

Since the twins were born, it has been difficult for Andrew and I. Everything felt so hard, we were just constantly in survival mode. Now that the twins have gotten a little older, things do feel a bit easier (obviously still challenging, but like we can breathe). But during those years, I don't feel like I was the type of mother I'd always envisioned myself to be. When Graham was little I didn't feel as overwhelmed and I was able to do tons of art projects, we traveled a lot with him, would go out to restaurants and do things. But with Covid and then having two small babies and a toddler, we receded to being homebodies. This has always been something I've struggled with and carried guilt about. 

But in the past month since I haven't been working, I've seen such a difference in my energy and what I'm able to give my family. It feels amazing. I'm not as overwhelmed all the time, I feel like there is time in the day when kids are at school to do the household chores, which means after they're home I can have activities prepared for them, meals prepped, and energy to play! It feels like I have the space to enjoy this time and soak it in as I should be, I'm so thankful for that! 

I want to look back on this time of my life and be able to say it was the best years. My focus is to really soak in the sounds (even when overstimulated) of the kids playing well together. Remembering the cute things they say, or the little things that bring them such joy at this age. 

Thinking about moving forward with my job search, I want to make sure I prioritize being able to maintain this level of presence as a mother when I go back to work. I do not want to go back to feeling so overwhelmed that it prevents me from being the Mom that I want to be for my boys. It's my number one, most important priority. I want them to look back on their childhood like I do. I want them to feel warm, happy memories of their home. Remembering their parents calm and happy and doing all they could to make their childhood the best it could possibly be. 

It was so fun to revisit this post for today's blog post. I definitely want to ask these same questions to my Mom again and see what has changed and what hasn't. I also think I'll interview my Dad, and maybe even Andrew's Mom! 

Thanks for reading and I'll see you back here tomorrow for Day 14! 


Favorite Place to Write

Today's prompt was, "What is your favorite place to write?" This one is interesting because I always just write at my desk. For the most part I've been working on these posts late in the evenings, after the boys are all asleep and the lunches are packed for the next day. But really, that wouldn't be my ideal writing situation. Which of course got me thinking, what would my ideal writing location and setting be? 

Perhaps if I am able to nail down my ideal writing setting, I would be more consistent with the blog? I'm pretty proud though, I am almost half way through this challenge already! And it's really helping me get back in to a routine.

I think my ideal writing situation could be a few different scenarios. You won't be surprised to hear the first one. Going to a coffee shop is fun because there are less distractions (i.e. - laundry, dishes, etc.) However, I do love to people watch. But I think if I had a topic in mind, and was able to just let the words flow, that would be an easy and enjoyable experience without being too distracting. 

The other thing I'm considering is going to the library. We live so close, and when I was in college I would go to the library and found it to be the perfect place for productivity. Just a change of pace where I could go to focus and get a lot written without distractions.  

Although, I think the purpose of this prompt was to dream a little. What would my ideal setting be? What comes to mind is a quiet, cozy house on the coast. Not a tropical beach, but a foggy, drizzly northern California coastal home. Large glass windows overlooking the view. Obviously a warm, cozy beverage by my side to keep me energized.  I can see why writers lock themselves away in inspiring places to get work done. 


Make It Happen

When I first wrote this prompt, I knew exactly what I wanted to write about for something I've learned in the last year. The first words that came to mind were, "Make It Happen." And now as it's time to write it, I'm having trouble finding the right words. 

Why is it that some of life's most difficult and heartbreaking experiences, are often when we learn important lessons? 

In the spring, we lost my cousin's husband after a very brief and courageous battle with cancer. It was all so sudden and heartbreaking. Watching my cousin lose her husband, who was weeks away from becoming a Grandpa for the first time, broke my heart. During his brief battle on chemo and trying to do all they could to fight the cancer in his body, my cousin would do nightly updates for family and friends to read. She would write about the "Steve-isms" - he had so many. She shared that one year when she found out there were on-stage tickets to one of her favorite musicians around their anniversary, that she had called to see what he thought. He replied, "make it happen." It really captured his spirit. She said there were so many "make it happen" moments over the years. This story she shared in particular really struck me. I thought, what an absolutely beautiful way to live life. So often we hold back, or make decisions based on society's standards and "rules" about what we should or shouldn't do. But what if we just did the things that brought us joy and made us feel alive? I truly think "Make it Happen" is the perfect life motto. It feels especially fitting for me right now, and I'm doing all I can to make my dreams happen. To figure out how my next career steps can be something that helps support our family, while also being fulfilling. I'm not sure I've figured it out yet, but I can't tell you how often I've said these words to myself since May. 

Steve was just a magnetic person. So fun, vibrant, funny and kind. Growing up, I thought my older cousin was just so cool and when she starting dating Steve I remember thinking they were just the best couple. I wanted to be like them when I grew up. I was so lucky to be close with them and spent quite a bit of time with them when their kids were young, before I moved to San Francisco. I'm so thankful for that period of time, and the memories I have. "Make it happen" does really capture his zest for having fun and living life. I'm so grateful Colleen shared that story and that I can use this as a way to honor him moving forward. 

The secondary lesson I've learned this year, through the same experience with my cousin. Is that family is everything. We all have difficult dynamics with people in our family, and it's hard to let go of past hurt. But, we're sometimes reminded that life is so short. And we need to enjoy the time we have with the people we love. I can tell you I've made a much stronger effort with this in the past six months than I had been previously, and for that I am thankful. It has been so good for my heart, my family, and my happiness. 

So thank you, Steve. I hate this is how I had to learn these lessons, but I am grateful that it's part of your legacy. As I promised Colleen, I'll spend the rest of my days living by your advice to "Make it Happen" And I will continue to prioritize spending time with family above the rest. 

Steve is in the center. This was taken June 2023 at their oldest son's wedding. The group in the photo is my cousin Colleen & Steve's wedding party, 30 years later!


10 Things That Make Me Happy

Today's prompt for the Blog Every Day in October Challenge is 10 Things That Make You Happy. There are so many little things that bring me joy, or make me smile. It was fun to sit down and think of a few things that bring me so much happiness. Here are my 10 Things:

My Kids

This one is pretty obvious, but the overall source of much of my happiness are my boys! While we're in an exhausting stage, there are so many sweet moments. I just love watching their little personalities unfold. I love doing special projects with them, and we're having so much fun lately with all things Halloween. I'm trying to really soak up this stage and remember cute things they say or do, I know this time is so fleeting. 


Another obvious one. Beyond our little family unit, we're also lucky to be close with both my family and Andrew's family. We live close to my parents and sister, so it's nice we are able to spend a lot of time together. We've been trying to prioritize more family dinners and impromptu gatherings, and it's really brought me so much happiness this past year. And we're looking forward to 3 visits from Andrew's Mom in the next few months, as well as his sister! 


Something we haven't done as much as we used to, but brigs me so much happiness is traveling. I love seeing new places, as well as visiting old favorites. I love to fantasize about big family trips when the boys are just a bit older, and a long flight to Europe doesn't seem so daunting. But until then, I love our annual trip with friends, summer camping in Donner and Tuolumne Meadows, as well as visits to San Diego to see Gamma and Auntie Nina. I'm also scheming to go to both Disneyland and Maui in the future as well. 

Coffee Shop + Treat

A simple source of happiness, going to a favorite coffee shop and enjoying a hot beverage and treat, even better with a friend or family member joining me. I don't know what it is, but it just makes me feel so cozy and happy sitting in a coffee shop enjoying my drink and a little bite. I love watching people around me working or catching up with friends. It feels a little like a movie, I'm picturing You've Got Mail. That's how it makes me feel when I'm there. Now maybe you get why I am always posting from The Pour Choice and North Fork!  

Holiday Traditions 

Another big one for me, Holiday traditions. All of them! I love Mothers Day at the winery with all our family. Thanksgiving has always been huge in our family, and I'm looking forward to all being together at my sister's house this year. Christmas we go overboard with The Polar Express, cookie decorating, advent calendar, looking at lights! All the things. And now with Halloween we have so much fun too. I'm so excited for both our pumpkin carving and Halloween parade coming up at the end of the month. I hope my boys grow up with the best memories of these traditions each holiday. And I look forward to making even more new traditions along the way. 

Time with friends 

I am lucky to have so many close friends nearby. In this stage of motherhood, it is so nice to have friends to talk to about all the highs and lows. As well as friends to escape with for a night out to dinner or a weekend away wine tasting. I love that I have been able to stay so close with so many amazing women I've know all the way back to childhood in some cases. And as the kids grow and have been in school, we're meeting other parents that have become friends too. I'm so grateful for the support, laughter, and companionship that my friendships offer. 


Spending time in the mountains always brings me peace. We don't go as often as I'd like, but it's always so nice when we do. Perhaps it's something we should prioritize more, going up to Truckee for a hike on the weekend or spending a weekend away in Tahoe. Our annual trip to Tuolumne is a favorite weekend of the year. And Andrew and I want to get an annual Yosemite Valley weekend back on the calendar as well. I noticed since my parents moved, I am missing the pine trees and mountains even more. I used to get a little fix by going up to their house. Nothing else quite feels like home than the pine trees and mountain air. 


As I mentioned the other day, I also love the ocean. It is so calming and peaceful watching the waves roll in and out. I especially find the ocean calming on the California coast. While I love a tropical vacation to Hawaii any day, the slightly foggy and cool ocean air is so rdejuvinative. Our trip to Bodega in the early summer reminded me that it's so close, and we really should go more often! 

Sitting on a deck with crisp mountain air, wine or coffee, and a book. 

This one is very specific. As I was sitting here thinking of what my 10 things would be, I was visualizing things and places that made me feel happy. I think it started with visualizing my childhood home on the back deck. But it could be anwhere in the mountains or in the trees with a deck and nice view. I imagine sitting there with a blanket in the crisp fall air with either a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, depending on the time of day. It's quiet besides the sounds of the breeze and the birds chirping, and I can close my eyes and just enjoy the moment. Maybe even take a few minutes to read my book. Doesn't that sounds lovely?


This one is sort of funny, but when I was thinking about things that bring me joy, I love reminiscing. I love talking about "the old days" and sharing fond memories with friends and family. Or thinking about past trips, or times in our lives. That feeling of nostalgia it brings, I just love it!  

What are some things that make you happy? 

See you back here tomorrow, Day 11 already! 


Stress Antidote

Today was the first day I wanted to skip the challenge, but I wouldn't let myself! Funny enough, I could use some stress antidotes this week. Andrew has a busy work week, so there has been a lot of juggling the kiddos. I'm so thankful for my families help. My parents came down Monday to help with various sports and drop offs/pick ups, then last night after we went to swim lessons we met my sister for a casual dinner out, and tonight my Mom was here again to help with needing to be two places at once. However the night was off the rails with no naps and over tired kids, so we skipped soccer and she just helped me hold down the fort while Andrew worked! Phew, thank goodness for Moms! 

So perhaps tomorrow I should work on adding one or a few of these into my day? Yes, I think that is a good idea! 

- Enjoying a little treat and a cappuccino at a favorite coffee shop like North Fork Chai or The Pour Choice

- Going on a walk and listening to a podcast or audiobook

- Going on a walk with a friend or family member

- Doing something creative/crafty 

- An evening out with my best friends

- Date night

- Sitting down and enjoying a good book with coffee or tea

What do you do to cope when you're feeling stressed? Any good tips I should try next time?  

See you tomorrow for Day 10!


On Happiness

Today's prompt for the Blog Every Day in October Challenge is "What Does Happiness Mean to You." 

I've been thinking a lot about today's prompt recently because of a book I just read, and am actually listening to for a second time now. The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rueben. I highly recommend this book. I was listening to an Oprah podcast where Gretchen was the guest, and when it ended I immediately downloaded her book. I think it's perfect as an audiobook, she narrates it herself and I have gained so much from it. Although it really makes you think and evaluate your own life, it's not at all boring and you get a lot of her own personal story as she shares her own one year long happiness project. 

These past few weeks since I have been laid off, happiness has been top of mind. While part of that is likely because I have been reading this book, the other part is noticing how I've been feeling. I didn't love my job, but it was fine. It was a good job that felt like the "right" path by society's standards, and it worked well for our family. But being laid off and thrown into this new normal, I have been surprised to notice just how much happier I have felt. It's made me think so much about how we spend our time, and how that affects our overall happiness. 

It's become my mission to delve into this concept even further, and possibly do my own "happiness project" like Gretchen. Not necessarily dedicate a whole year to it, but to see how I can use similar tools and experiment the way she did in the book. 

One thing I'd like to start doing is a journal each night, where I just share one thing about the boys. Silly little things I love and notice, but I know I won't remember in 10 years, or even 10 days! She did a similar concept of one sentence per day, but about anything. For me I think this will help me stop to appreciate the small moments, but even more keep a record of them. I know this time with the boys so little will pass so quickly, and I want to bottle up what I can. 

I also love the idea of her commandments. Especially, "be Gretchen" in everything she does. So often I make decisions based on what I should do or what I think other people want me to do, and instead I need to always focus on "being Theresa." Such a simple idea, but would really make a huge difference in overall happiness. 

Currently a lot of thoughts on my own happiness are centered around career/work and motherhood. Two of the most important pieces of my current life. It's such a pivotal time for me with career. While status quo says the right thing to do is get another corporate job like I had, it doesn't feel right in my gut. I don't want another job that looks good on paper but essentially sucks the life out of me. Perhaps a new role or company would feel exciting and challenge me, yes. But, it seems like that is just me making an excuse for doing what I'm "supposed" to. Trying to talk myself into it. The joy I have felt in the past few weeks making content and trying to focus on creating something here, has brought me so much joy. I feel like me again. I love being creative, making videos and working on projects around the house. I feel good about how I am spending my time. I can also see a clear change in how I have been showing up as a mother since I've been off work. I am so much more patient, much more understanding and in less of a hurry. I'm able to spend more time with the kids just enjoying them. Take time to bake, do crafts, pick up Graham early for homework time together just us two. It's been really lovely. All the household chores no longer feel like such a burden. No I don't love laundry, but I am not resentful or bitter about it now. I just feel so much more at ease and content throughout my days. 

I know it's not forever, but it really has gotten me thinking. If I have seen this big of an impact in a few short weeks. If nothing else, I am very aware at how my work life impacts my overall happiness. It's something I need to be very aware of as I move forward with next steps in my career. 

I was a bit all over the place with this post, but I have so many more thoughts I'd like to take more time to organize and continue with. I really do recommend this book, I think there is something to learn for all of us. 

What do you think about a Happiness Project? Is that something you'd ever consider?

See you back here tomorrow for Day 9!


Ocean vs. Mountains

Today's prompt for my Blog Every Day in October Challenge is "Ocean or Mountains and Why." If you know me, I'm sure it's probably easy to guess, but I thought this was a fun question to consider. If I really had to choose, it would have to be the mountains. Although when I really thought about this, the choice wasn't as obvious and I assumed when I wrote the prompt.

I grew up spending so much time camping and hiking with my parents, that the mountains bring me a sense of home. It feels so peaceful hiking in the mountains, appreciating the trees, wildflowers and sounds of the birds or the breeze. I think because I have so many wonderful memories in the mountains, I feel calm and peaceful when I'm there. The mountains bring a sense of nostalgia, and remind me of various memories of my childhood and family, and all the memories Andrew and I have made together, especially in Tuolumne and Tahoe. 

And although I'd choose mountains if I had to, I love the ocean too. Sitting on the beach, listening to the waves, is cathartic. Instantly a sense of calm washes over me. I love picking up shells on the beach with Graham, walking with my toes in the sand and feeling the waves come splash against my feet. Maybe Andrew's love for the ocean has started to rub off on me, because as I sat down to write this, I wavered a bit on which to choose. And this got me thinking, why can't we love both? And the best part is, we can. 

Both the ocean and the mountains bring me a sense of calm, make me feel rejuvenated, and inspired. I love that most times, in the mountains or at the beach, we seem to be with friends or family. Less connected to responsibilities and technology, which it allows us to take a moment to appreciate nature. To take in all the senses. The way the sand feels on our bare feet, the cold water of the river after taking off your hiking boots, the waves crashing on the shore, mountain chickadees singing in the trees. And now, at both places I have cherished memories of the boys running along and exploring. 

Which is your favorite, mountains or the ocean?


A Quote

Today's prompt for Blog Every Day in October was to share a quote. The first one that came to mind has been a favorite for many years. 

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

I've always loved this quote and it's something I remind myself often, especially now. Sometimes it's easy to feel like I'm too old, or it's too late to change careers, etc. But it's never to late to pursue our happiness and living our dreams. If we start right now, and do something little each day, it can lead to a big impact in our lives. 

I feel like I'm really living this since I was laid off. I'm trying to spend the time each day, little by little, and do things that will lead to larger changes down the line. If nothing changes, nothing changes. But we can start now, and create an entirely new ending to our journey. It's never too late! 

Do you have a favorite quote? I'd love if you shared in the comments. 

See you tomorrow for Day 7! 


Moment of Our Day

The prompt for today was "Share A Moment of Your Day" which I intended to be fun fall outing of sorts. Our plan was to go get some pumpkins, marigolds and mums for the front porch, but we didn't make it.  We did have a nice day, but in an effort to keep it real, it was a rough day with the kids. 

Jack & Charlie are starting to skip naps at school, and with school and sports and late nights for Graham, by Friday the boys are kind of a mess. We've implemented pizza and a movie as our Friday tradition, but even with a good nights sleep they woke up this morning with fists and fighting words. We decided it was best not to attempt a rushed outing since we had somewhere to be at 11am. 

We actually considered cancelling our play date, but also thought it might be the perfect change of pace for the three of them. And it was! We went over to our friends house for the kids to play and swim because even though it's October, it was still 100*. We had a great time. The kids all play so well together and the parents have become friends, too. Skipping nap might not have been the best idea, but when we got home Jack still decided to take a quick nap, Graham listened to some stories, and Charlie played independently. We ordered dinner and they boys watched the rest of the movie from last night, before heading to bed early. 

I did manage to take a few cute pictures at our friends today! I'm so glad we got out of the house and managed enjoy the day even if it got off to a rocky start! Our plan tomorrow is to get outside right away, because somehow that always seems to start us off on the right foot. 

See you tomorrow for Day 6!


Recent Reads

I planned for the prompt to be about my recent reads and favorite books today, because October 4th is one of my best friends birthdays and she loves reading! So, today's post is in honor of her! Happy Birthday, Bea!

I've always been a reader, but there have definitely been periods when I read more than others. For this past year, I have been reading a ton. I usually read fiction on my kindle before bed, and have at least one non-fiction audiobook going at a time. If I have a long drive ahead, or actually now that I am not working and can listen when doing other projects, I'll probably incorporate more fiction audiobooks as well. 

I need to start updating Goodreads so I can keep track of everything I read. Another project while I'm off, go back and update everything I've read this year. Since I use my Kindle or Audible, it's at least easy to go back and track. 

My girlfriends and I also started a Book Club this past June called, Friends Reading Between the Wines. It has been so fun. I look forward to our meetings, it's become a highlight of the month! We have been trying to meet at a winery or local wine bar each month which is fun. One of my favorite things we do is cast who would play the characters in a movie! We usually each cast one or two characters, and it's so fun to see who people choose! We read a variety of genres, and this month decided it should be a fall theme for October. We might start incorporating themes based on the time of year for a fun twist. To select our next book, we all nominate two titles we want to read. We write them down then put them in a hat and ask the waiter to draw and determine our next read. It's a fun way to select the next book! In October we're reading, All The Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker. A thriller/mystery that will be perfect for spooky season! 

So without further ado, here are a few of my favorite books I've read recently.

The Women, Kristin Hannah - this book is one of my favorite books I've ever read. If you haven't read it, do so immediately! I absolutely loved this story of a nurse during the Vietnam war. Her time during the war as well as after she returned. It moved me. I listened to this on audiobook because I had a long drive, and if you enjoy audiobook I highly recommend listening to this one. 

Sandwich, Catherine Newman - As I mentioned in my Instagram post, I really loved this book. It made me laugh out loud, but also really think about my life as a woman and a mother. All the phases of life and how there is so much beauty in the ordinary. This was a short, easy read. I loved the characters as mother-daughter dynamic especially. Another one I highly recommend! 

The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin - I listened to an Oprah podcast one day that Gretchen Rubin was a guest on. I immediately downloaded her book. It felt like I was supposed to read it, so many little things she said felt like exact timing of when I should be reading. So much so, that I'm already listening to it again. I want to do a few posts on this and perhaps a little happiness project of my own. 

The Paradise Problem, Christina Lauren - This was the second Christina Lauren book I read, and I loved it. I think it may be a favorite. It's your typical beach read, a fun little escape. I loved the characters and although it was perhaps a little predictable, I devoured it. I loved the female lead and the family dynamics were entertaining. Christina Lauren never disappoints for a fun, easy beach read/romance! 

Funny Story, Emily Henry - when a new Emily Henry book comes out I get so excited. I just love her books so much. This one might be one of my favorites, there are three of hers that tie for my favorite! I loved the setting of this book. I could picture it so vividly and it made me want to take a summer vacation to a quaint midwestern lake town. The characters and dialogue were as lovely as you'd expect from Emily Henry, she truly does no wrong. 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 5! 

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